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  • Writer's pictureChris Fairless

Don’t Leave Any Holes: Lead Management Unplugged

In the dynamic world of sales and marketing for training providers and college groups, managing leads effectively can often feel like trying to fill a bucket with holes. As a consultant specialising in this sector, I’ve developed a method to ensure that no opportunity slips through the cracks and that every lead has the potential to develop into a fruitful engagement.

The Story: Missed Opportunities in Fitness Sales

Let me take you back to my days of running sales and marketing for a gym. One day, we stumbled upon an old email address and a forgotten contact form on our website. To our dismay, we discovered numerous missed leads—people who had shown interest but were never followed up with. This was a classic case of leads coming in and then leaking out of our bucket due to inadequate management.

In the fitness industry, missing leads can happen for various reasons: not recording them properly, failing to follow up, not centralising them in one place, or not understanding their specific needs. For example, if someone enquired about weight loss and received a generic response about strength training, we missed the mark completely. The lack of detailed attention in analysing and responding to these leads resulted in lost opportunities.

Transferring Insights to the Education Sector

This same scenario plays out in the education sector, especially with 19+ learners. Imagine receiving an enquiry from a young person interested in a course. They seem old enough and keen, but upon gathering detailed information, you find out they are just shy of the age requirement. Are you recording this information and setting follow-up reminders to touch base when they are eligible?

Often, education providers focus on training quality and content delivery, not marketing and sales, which is perfectly fine. However, ensuring that no potential learner slips through the cracks is crucial. Implementing a system to manage and follow up on leads can make a significant difference.

Unplugging the Holes: Practical Tips

1. Centralise Your Leads: Use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, such as HubSpot, to ensure all leads are recorded in one place. This prevents them from being overlooked or forgotten.

2. Detail-Oriented Follow-Up: Tailor your responses to the specific needs of the enquiry. A personalised approach shows that you value the lead and understand their needs.

3. Scheduled Touchpoints: Set reminders to follow up with potential leads at appropriate times, especially those who are not yet eligible but show strong interest.

4. Regular Audits: Periodically review your lead management process to identify and fix any gaps. This can include updating contact methods, refining enquiry forms, and training staff on best practices.

5. Intelligence Gathering: Collect and analyse data on your leads to understand their needs better and improve your marketing strategies.


Effective lead management is like maintaining a bucket without holes. By centralising your leads, following up meticulously, scheduling regular touchpoints, conducting audits, and gathering intelligence, you can ensure that no opportunity is lost.

If you’re interested in discussing how this method can be tailored to your specific needs, feel free to send me an email or a direct message with details about your business or a link to your website. I’d be happy to provide a customised analysis and help you refine your sales and marketing processes, ensuring your bucket remains full and no leads slip away.

Chris Fairless


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