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  • Writer's pictureChris Fairless

Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse: Get More Enrolment Enquiries This Academic Year

As we begin a new academic year, it’s a great time to reflect on the purpose of these articles. For those who haven’t read my previous ones, these are concise, 3-4 minute reads focused on enhancing your business development, partnerships, marketing, and sales within your training provider or FE college. Even if you’re not from an educational background, these tips and expertise will be beneficial to you. However, the scenarios will always have an education and training perspective.

Before diving into today’s topic, let me establish why these tips are worth your time.

I have over ten years of experience in both education, sales, and marketing, with a proven track record of generating millions of pounds in additional revenue for providers across the UK through consultancy, marketing, social media, partnership building, and introductions. This is one of the most popular methods that I always have live.

Let’s get started. Whether or not you work in business development, share this with your business development manager, salesperson, or whoever is responsible for generating interest, leads, and learners for your provider.

Creating an Offer They Can’t Refuse

I initially picked up this strategy from various books, courses, and renowned salespeople. It goes by different names: some call it a threshold offer, others an offer they can’t refuse, and some, like Alex Hormozi, call it an offer so good they feel stupid saying no.

This strategy has worked for me in the education sector because its real meaning is getting a connection to a potential learner and being able to maximize and harbor trust with them.

Anatomy of an Irresistible Offer

An offer they can’t refuse targets those with even the slightest interest in a course or programme, making the offer so compelling they can’t decline it. This offer doesn’t need to be the course itself but a lower entry offer, commonly referred to in marketing and sales as a lead generation offer or a loss leader.

Note: A loss leader isn’t just giving something away in hope to get more sales; it can almost be a deterrent if it’s not good quality, totally pointless, or not even that desirable.

I once ran sales at a gym, and they would literally give the worst offers, so undesirable that they would not get traction. So I warn you now, giving away a free pencil or a free trial is NEVER going to make this work.

THIS OFFER HAS TO BE DAMN IRRESISTIBLE to anyone that the thought may have even crossed their mind brushing their teeth two weeks ago about enrolling on a course.

Very simply, there are 3 parts, just like a tripod all areas must be met, or it won’t work:

Unbeatable Value: The offer must be so attractive it cannot be turned down.

Multiple Incentives: Provide several reasons for the potential learner to respond.

Low Threshold: The person has to do very little to take advantage of the offer.

They might not necessarily respond to accept the offer but to learn more.

Example of an Irresistible Offer

For example, a fitness provider could offer a free, three-hour online, self study & self pace introductory course on working in a gym. This course would cover types of gyms, job application processes, necessary qualifications, and more. It’s free, short, and requires minimal commitment. Participants only need to provide their email and number to access and start at THIER PACE.

But remember, this free course needs to be high quality and compelling. It is the first impression of how easy you are to work with, your learning materials, and the overall vibe of your organisation.

To enhance this, you could add limited spaces to the offer, guarantee jobs and interviews for those who sign up, and send them emails about potential jobs and salaries in their area.

If someone has a slight interest in a fitness qualification, they would be inclined to respond. The commitment is minimal, requiring only a couple of hours, no enrolment, and no sensitive data beyond an email and possibly a phone number.

They would be interested in the guaranteed interviews and job listings, even more than the free course itself. Completing the course could excite them about enrolling in a more extensive programme.

Break Down of the Offer

Free course: A fantastic standard that represents your organisation and its values.

Guaranteed Interviews: In the area if you progress and qualify with us in the future.

Free job listing and average salaries: Of the sector in the candidates’ area upon registering for the free course.

Only email and phone number needed: You don’t have to talk to anyone to take up the offer.

Marketing Your Offer

To effectively market this offer, use social media ads correctly to avoid wasting money. Distribute it through your partner channels in gyms, past learners’ emails, and various charitable and employment organisations you collaborate with.

Building Trust and Leads

This strategy will generate a large number of leads from individuals interested in the course. Even if they’re not ready to commit, they will want to explore it. Others that may want to progress to the program with no prerequisites can start the introductory course immediately, gaining valuable insights into the sector and increasing their interest in further engagement.

The next step involves constant marketing efforts to maintain contact, gradually increasing their engagement level. The final step, which I’ll cover in another article, is to get them on a call and enrolled in the course.


You have your brilliant course, but before you try and market this course, market a pre-course offer that fits the criteria above:

So good it’s almost impossible to turn down.

Multiple reasons to reply.

Low threshold to take part in the offer.

If you find this method appealing and want a more tailored approach for your provider and courses, get in touch, and we’ll work through it together… FREE.

Free offer consultation

I will even audit your social media and possibly refer some candidates for you.

Obviously I can’t deliver this to everyone so first come first serve

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